25 Day Challenge

I have posted before about the 25th Anniversary of Team In Training.  I would like your help in celebrating this accomplishment.  I am challenging my friends, family, supporters from all around to help me with a $25 donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  My goal is to get at least one person per day to donate $25 from August 1st through August 25th. That would be (at least) $625 total raised for LLS if just one person per day donates $25.

I know many of you have already donated to this cause and I truly appreciate your help in reaching my goal this season.  For those of you who have not, it would really mean a lot to me to make this challenge successful.



What is $25 really…  Well, here’s 10 things that cost approximately $25:

  1. A week’s worth of coffee
  2. Monthly gym membership (depending on your gym, maybe only 50% of the monthly fee)
  3. Six 7-11 Big Gulps
  4. A couple DVDs (if you still buy them) or movies off iTunes or Amazon
  5. 25 new apps for your iPhone
  6. 4 trips to Jamba Juice
  7. 2 1/2 full albums on iTunes
  8. 3 Chipotle Burritos
  9. About 10 pounds of Twizlers
  10. 3 poorly-thought-out domain names

Or, you can donate $25 and provide HOPE for a CURE!! 

Did you know that $25 pays the co-pay for chemotherapy drug prescription; $25 is half the cost to register one person to be a bone marrow donor?  So what is that week’s worth of coffee when you can provide HOPE to blood cancer patients everywhere.

DONATE HERE: http://pages.teamintraining.org/pb/nikesf13/triing2findacure

As always, thank you so much for all your support!